Hakluyt Society Editorial Workshop – 2024

The Hakluyt Society Editorial Workshop is now booking.

The workshop will take place on 5 September 2024 10 am – 4 pm, Royal Asiatic Society, 14 Stephenson Way London NW1 2HD

Go to Eventbrite to reserve your place


For full details of the programme go to https://www.hakluyt.com/ 

Tickets are free. Lunch will be provided. Personal attendance is preferred but a Zoom link will be available.  Please complete your booking and choose the Zoom link option.

We look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any queries about this event please contact office@hakluyt.com.


10.00 Coffee
10.30 Welcome and Introduction by the President
10.45 Making a publication proposal to the Society, by Dr Katie Parker, Administrative Editor
11.15 How the Council decides which proposals to accept, by the President
11.30 The volume editor’s experience, with comments from Professor Janet Hartley about how editors can help themselves and the series editor.
12.00 The work of the series editor, by Professor Joyce Lorimer.
12.30 Discussion of points from the morning session.
13.00 Buffet lunch.
14.00 Hakluyt Society Quiz (with questions drawn from recent volumes).
14.30 Nautical terms and related issues, by Captain Mike Barritt, Vice-President.
15.00 Sourcing images and maps for Hakluyt Society volumes, copyright.
15.15 The material basis of a text and how this might impact editing, by Dr Anthony Payne, volume editor.
15. 40 Issues raised by attendees, questions and discussion.
16.00 Close

To apply to attend this event, please click here.